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    This page is dedicated to the members of WSFD that perform the challenging and gruesome task of vehicle extrication. These dedicated people have trained long and hard to learn this invaluable skill. This dedication has saved many lives in our area. These people are subjected to the most awful sights you can imagine and perform their jobs in the most demanding of conditions. Yet without hesitation, without concern for themselves, they are there for you in rain or snow, day or night. I want to personally thank the volunteers of WSFD for their hard work and dedication. Thanks guys.

    This page will contain a list of the members that have received the prestigious Hurst Green Cross Award for successfully extricating victims in car wrecks.

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Bryan Butler                 1 Cross

Danny Hill                     1 Cross

Bryan Webster              1 Cross

Angie Smith                   1 Cross

Cory Mitchell                1 Cross

Mark Smith                    2 Crosses

Terry Davis                     1 Cross

Steve Wells                     2 Crosses

Bruce Miller                    1 Cross

Ryan Abernathy              1 Cross

Rodney Free                    1 Cross



    These members are owed a debt of gratitude by the victims they have saved. I am sure these people have a place in their hearts for these guys even though they may not know their names. I'm sure each day they say thanks in their own way for being alive today thanks to these brave men and women.

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